How to Find Automotive Connectors Fast, 2022 -Search

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Keyword Searching

Simply type in what you need, like "Z27C2" or "2021 Nissan Altima fog lamp"

Search in Spanish

Our search bar is bilingual! Search in Spanish. 

Search by the VIN#

Type in the vehicle's VIN # and our matching technology will pull all pigtails for that VIN

How to Find Automotive Connectors, fast with the Smart Seach Bar Feature


Have you ever searched for something in Google? 

Maybe you found us,, by typing in "automotive connectors" or something else. 

That's how simple it is to find the wiring connector you need, here. Our motto is find your connectors in 30 seconds. Well, we recently extended that motto to "find anything you need in 30 seconds"

Check out the image above to see what was entered in the search bar; "Nissan headlight" 


Our smart search technology automatically populates with exactly that. 

By the way...if you haven't watched the quick 1-minute video above, check that out too and you can see 3 quick examples. 



 - Search in Spanish

 - Keyword Search 

 - Search by VIN #

 - Word Abbreviation, like "fg lmp" for "fog lamp" 

 - Search for information like "how to repair connectors" 


Eric Palazzolo

Eric Palazzolo is founder and president of, a Houston-based company dedicated to providing high-quality automotive connectors and top-shelf customer service to its clients in the collision repair industry.