Welcome to FindPigtails.com

Our search feature is one of the most important tools we offer. You can literally find anything connector related that you need. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use it.

Here are a few ways to use the FindPigtails Smart Search Feature.

1. Enter a keyword, part number (like Z27C2), or phrase into the search bar. You can search for anything on our site this way, whether it's a product, service, or just general information.

2. The smart search bar will auto-populate precisely what you need. You can also hit the magnifying glass or hit enter on your keyboard and it will take you to the results page displaying all content relative to your search.

3. Scroll through the results until you find what you're looking for. If you don't see what you're looking for right away, try refining your search by using different keywords or phrases.

4. Once you find what you're looking for, click on it and you will be redirected to that page. From there, you can learn more about the product or service, or take other actions such as adding it to your cart or contacting us for more information.


Here are the most popular searches currently used by our customers. 

1. Keyword Search: Try searching for "2017 Ford Fog Lamp Connector," and BOOM, it appears.

2. Part # Search: Search for "Z27C2" and that specific connector appears, along with anything else that part # is associated with, like repair videos

3. How-Tos and Repair Videos: Search for "how to repair a connector" and a wide array of repair help videos will appear

4. Bilingual: FindPigtails.com understands Spanish.

5. Helpful Information: Search for something like "OEM Position Statements" and you'll be directed to a page that provides that helpful information.

And that's all there is to it! With our search function, finding what you need on our website is quick and easy. So go ahead and give it a try. We know you'll love it!

Eric Palazzolo

Eric Palazzolo is founder and president of FindPigtails.com, a Houston-based company dedicated to providing high-quality automotive connectors and top-shelf customer service to its clients in the collision repair industry.

Eric Palazzolo is a founder and president of FindPigtails.com, a Houston-based company dedicated to providing high-quality automotive connectors and top-shelf customer service to its clients in the collision repair industry. He also founded metricsmule.com, a website, marketing, and Houston SEO company for the automotive repair industry. You can also check out video SEO, and automotive SEO tips.Â